
What is MSK?

A lifestyle movement that makes it COOL to respect all women and girls.

MSK women get respected
When women rock MSK she gets RESPECTED
MSK men get noticed
When men rock MSK he gets NOTICED

How is MSK different from other programs that address violence against women and sex trafficking?

MSK draws in men/teens and makes them responsible for developing solutions. MSK holds men accountable for eliminating violence against women and the exploitation of women. MSK engages students that play leadership roles.

How will hosting MSK activities benefit colleges and universities?

MSK can be highlighted during student recruitment presentations to demonstrate the university’s commitment to provide a campus where co-eds feel respected and safe.

How will hosting MSK activities benefit local organizations that provide services for victims?

MSK promotions will include local media donating airtime where organizations can request individual contributions, recruit volunteers and inform victims about available services.

How will hosting MSK activities benefit the local community?

Citizens can be educated to combat violence against women and sexual exploitation, making communities a safer place.

What will MSK look and sound like as an event?

The focal point is the college tour: interactive seminars, energetic panel discussions, vendors and celebrities that provide education/solutions for eliminating violence against women and sexual exploitation.

Will there be an admission charge or registration fee to attend the college tour?

The college tour will be a FREE event for students.

Can students participate in planning the college tour?

Students are trained to educate and organize the community around these issues and remain engaged throughout their college career.

Take the Pledge